Untitled Alexander Byre Oil Painting
Painting depicts men and women sitting at tables, one man writing on piece of paper, one man making a ceramic vase, one woman sits with head propped up on hand next to globe, woman in right foreground with dark hair looks downward. Reported as missing on 09/08/1988, GSA, Washington, D.C. This painting was shipped from GSA Central Office to GSA Regional Office, 819 Taylor Street, Ft. Worth, Texas, in early 1988, to determine if the Regional Administrator would like to have the work as a loan; in April 1988, it was shipped from the Regional Design and Construction Division back to GSA Central Office. In July 1988, GSA received two telephone inquiries, one from the Regional Fine Arts Officer and one from Perry Huston & Associates, regarding receipt of the paintings. GSA Central Office informed both parties that they had not yet received the paintings. The paintings were picked up by UPS on April 12, and Stayce Brown, Administrative Assistant for Perry Huston, stated she received a UPS Shipper Tracer dated April 29, which indicated that the package was "found empty," "complete order scrapped. UPS advised that the Shipper Tracer indicated that the paintings were discovered missing at the UPS Distribution Center located in Laurel, Maryland.