Route map of the Lima Post Office
Description:Document in loose leaf, vertical format, with support elaborated in nineteenth century, presents mixed writing (printed and manuscript), in form of correspondence form of official letter of Correos de Lima (Lima Post Office). The heading presents the printed form "REPUBLICA PERUANA" ("PERUVIAN REPUBLIC”), under the general administration of the Lima Post Office, addressed to Arequipa; "ADMINISTRACION JENERAL DE Señor Administrador de los de CORREOS DE LIMA Marzo 29 1850. Arequipa" ("GENERAL ADMINISTRATION OF Mister Administrator of the LIMA POST OFFICE 29 March 1850. Arequipa"). The body shows the number of letters, and the value in pesos, real: "Número de CARTAS 9" ("Number of LETTERS 9"), "Valor PESOS. REALES 4-1" ("Value PESOS. REAL 4-1"), “son descargo 4 pesos y un real” ("4 pesos and one real are discarded"). It has the autographs of Dávila and Correa (printed); it also shows the topical and chronological date, with the respective autograph of reception. Verso side: Folio without writing, printing imprints and migration of ferro-gallic ink can be seen. Regular state of conservation, with evidence of belonging to a complex unit (book or file), support with oxidation and/or yellowing, presents humidity stains like halos, oxidation of ferro-gallic ink with migration to the opposite side of the support, has support folds in the right side, central part; in the lower part presents folds like wrinkles that weaken the support. On the lower left side, numbering or foliation made with charcoal pencil: "10". The edges of the support have irregularities due to handling. The reverse side of the folio has a marked print, migration of ferro-gallic ink (autographs), with yellow stains due to humidity, with vertical and horizontal folds in the central part of the support dividing the support into four fields; apparently used to reduce the original size.