Historical piece of correspondence for payment charged to the branch post office of the Lima Administration Office in 1853
Document in loose leaf, vertical format, with support elaborated in century XIX, presents mixed writing (printed and manuscript) maintaining the format of payment with charge to branch post office. The header has the almond shaped stamp of the "ADM.ON JRAL DE CORREOS DE LIMA", next to it the blue stamp "VAPOR". Underneath, in capital letter "ADMINISTRACIÓN JENERAL DE CORREOS Lima a 12 de Julio de 1853" (“GENERAL POST OFFICE ADMINISTRATION Lima, 12 July 1853”), "AL ADMINISTRADOR DE LOS DE Huaura" ("TO THE ADMINISTRATOR OF THOSE OF Huaura"). It shows a table with the categories: Number, Class, Freight, Value (To be paid by that post office), and Number, Value (Francs). At the side of the painting, the printed inscription “ADVERTENCIAS” ("WARNINGS"). It presents the printed and handwritten rubrics of José Dávila Condemarin and Juan Centeno as the intervener. It ends with the printed inscription “Certificados” ("Certificates"). The document is in a regular state of conservation, with general oxidation of the support and dispersed stains of humidity; the ink writing presents loss of colour and oxidation (rubric of Davila). The folio has three vertical and two horizontal folds, used to reduce the size of the folio. It has a circular imprint on the opposite side of the folio, apparently a seal.