Gold referral record to the Assayer Mayor of Lima, year 1828

Document in bifolio format, with data registration in the horizontal direction, paper support of "rag", of heavy weight; it presents mixed writing (printed and handwritten in ink), with a header like a form, it contains data with respect to the number, the administrative reason and the topic data: “NUMERO _6_ RAZON DE LAS PASTAS DE ORO Y PLATA QUE LA Administración general del Reyno remite ál Ensayador mayor del mismo, con cargo de mantenerlos à disposición de sus respectivos dueños, ó consignatarios en esta Capital, después de deducidos los correspondientes derechos à favor del Estado con expresión de las Administraciones foráneas de su procedencia en la cartera del Cuzco y correo de dicha ruta, que arribó à esta expresada general en el día de hoy…… A SABER.” ("NUMBER _6_ REASON OF THE GOLD AND SILVER PASTES THAT THE GENERAL ADMINISTRATION OF THE KINGDOM SENT TO THE MAJOR TESTER OF THE SAME, with the charge of keeping them at the disposal of their respective owners, or consignees in this Capital, after deducting the corresponding rights in favour of the State with expression of the foreign Administrations of their origin in the portfolio of Cuzco and mail of this route, which arrived at this general expressed today...... TO KNOW. ”) Under the heading, as a table of accounts, the administration of origin, the registration number, the consignee and the quantities of gold and silver (yews, pounds, ounces, bars, frames, pineapples, etc.) are specified. Contains ink data with specific information: “Cuzco / 15 / Doña Rosa Villavicencio / Administración General de Correos de Lima junio 17 1828 / M. Vega Bazan (autógrafa) / cond.on 2 ad / (Tejos) 1 / (Libras) 4 / (Onzas) 4 ½ “ ("Cuzco / 15 / Doña Rosa Villavicencio / Administración General de Correos de Lima junio 17 1828 / M. Vega Bazan (autograph) / cond.on 2 ad / (Yew trees) 1 / (Pounds) 4 / (Ounces) 4 ½ "). On the reverse side, evidence of ink migration, wet spots and ink splashes. It has a regular state of conservation, with accounting characteristics of belonging to a complex unit (book, file), signs of oxidation of the support (yellowing), the register with the greatest load of ink shows halos of oxidation of ferro-gallic ink, the other registers with ferro-gallic ink show loss of colour; the contours of the support on the upper right and left side margin, show irregularities in the form of ripples and breaks.
Category Books
Reference Number 01171
Maker/Artist Unknown
Materials Paper
Time Period Made in 06/17/1828


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